Sara is a detective story with a thriller element where Arne Olofsson and his colleagues get a new exciting case to solve. It is about the young Sara who is first kidnapped but makes a choice to stand up for herself and fight those who wish her harm.
Sara was nominated for the Selma Prize 2018 with the motivation: "A gripping thriller at its best - stripped down and intimate."
The format is Danish and it is 300 pages long. Also available as e-book, talking book and audio book.
NOTE!!! Sara is currently not available as an audiobook. It was published as an audiobook in 2018 but I have canceled the contract. The reading of a new version will take place this fall by Frans Liljenrot. The release date is not yet set.
Who is the young woman who was hit and killed in a road accident outside Väster Malma in Södermanland one night in May 2013? She is not reported missing and her identity cannot be established. And there are strange circumstances.
One morning that month, a local construction worker is found shot dead with a single bullet on a golf course outside Nyköping. It looks like an execution, but despite the open spaces, no one has heard or seen anything.
Detective Inspector Arne Olofsson and his colleagues at the Nyköping police are back to tackle these tricky investigations. By chance, civilian investigator Svante Möller becomes involved in police work once again.