Southwest of Ytterskär

Southwest of Ytterskär is the third stand-alone sequel to The Giver and Sara. In creating this
crime story, I have taken inspiration from a number of real-life events that I have woven together into this story. The book is about the discovery of a dead diver who had been in the water outside Oxelösund for twenty years. Arne Olofsson and his colleagues have a new tricky case to solve. 

Also available as audio, speech and e-book.


An unpleasant discovery is made in the sea off Oxelösund. The discovery, which is very startling, raises many questions and echoes across the country. Detective Inspector Arne Olofsson and his colleagues at Nyköping Police take on an unusually difficult investigation that affects Arne personally. He becomes deeply involved in finding the truth and his digging leads him far back in time.