I am currently working on a stand-alone novel. It is a nationally interesting and fascinating story based on true events. The working title is "The Dentist and the mess in Tricorn Lake." The book release is set for July 2026.
This is the dramatized true story of a committed rural community and its strong development in the fifties. The story takes place between 1949 and 1965. With this fiction book, I want to tell the interesting story of the village of Trehörningsjö and a row that went on for six years. It was described as a municipal civil war that was brought before the government several times, resulted in complaints to the Ombudsman, engaged the national press and gave the government headaches.
For two years, I have gathered facts by digging deeper into the National Archives, the Royal Library and the municipal archives. And I've interviewed people born in the 1940s who have told me about their memories, experiences and everyday life in the village during this time.

The year is 1949 and dentist Ingvar Lundgren and his wife decide to move from Luleå to the family's homeland in the county of Ångermanland and start a private clinic in the small village Trehörningsjo.
Ingvar is a determined young man who immediately sees the potential of the small community. He commits himself to the good of the village and becomes one of the driving forces behind its development. It becomes a real success story and the village grows like crazy in the coming years. The economy is very good and there is cohesion, confidence and a spirit of the future. Trehörningsjö invests heavily in the future, but then something happens that changes everything.